Terms & conditions

The official website, reefprotect.org, known as The Reef And Shark Collective, serves the primary purpose of assisting individuals to become reef and shark guardians by providing comprehensive guides, tips, and reviews concerning all aspects of reef and shark diving, marine biology career paths, and fish keeping as a hobby.

All recommendations or opinions expressed by reefprotect.org are from the personal research and experience of the owners of the site and are intended as educational and informational material only.

Statement Of Agreement Upon Use

By using or accessing Reefprotect.org, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree, do not continue to use Reef Protect, known as The Reef And Shark Collective. 

Specification Of Age And Geographic Restrictions For Users

Users must be at least 12 years old to use the services of this website. While the website may be accessed globally, it operates under the jurisdiction of British law.


  • Affiliate Marketing: A performance-based marketing arrangement, where the website earns a commission for marketing another company’s products.
  • Third-Party: Any party that is not the user or the owner of this website.

User’s Responsibilities

Users are expected to utilize this website in a manner that is both respectful and lawful. Users are responsible for checking these Terms regularly for any updates. Violation of these Terms may result in restricted access to Reefprotect.org

Privacy Policy Summary

This website uses Google Analytics to collect user data for the purpose of analysis and website improvement. For a detailed view, please visit our Privacy Policy.

Affiliate Disclosure

We may earn a commission from purchases made through affiliate links, which helps to support the website. The affiliate links are contextual and are presented either within the content or as part of comparison tables. This does not influence our reviews, which are based on thorough research and testing.

Intellectual Property Rights

Though no formal copyrights or trademarks are registered, the content on this site should be considered the intellectual property of Reefprotect.org. Unauthorized use may result in legal action.

Disclaimers And Limitations Of Liability

The content provided is “as is,” with no warranties expressed or implied. We are not liable for any inaccuracies or errors. No warranty, either express or implied, is made regarding the accuracy or reliability of the information on this site.

Governing Law And Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by British law, and any disputes arising from the use of Reefprotect.org will be subjected to the jurisdiction of the courts of Britain.

Changes To Terms And Conditions

Reefprotect.org reserves the right to change these Terms at any time. It is the users’ responsibility to check for updates. Continued use of the website signifies agreement to the updated Terms.

Contact Information And Violation Reporting

For questions or reporting violations, please visit our Contact Page.